Online Stamp Auction Spain and Colonies #106

Tuesday, 30 May 2023 | Madrid, 16:00 CEST

251 | Spain

(★) 25. 1854. 2 reales red. Intense color and large margins. LUXURY PIECE. Cert. COMEX.
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Starting price: 1.200€
Not available

252 | Spain

△ 25(2). 1854. 2 red reales , in pairs, on a fragment. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2020: 260 Euros
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Starting price: 65€
Not available

253 | Spain

25(20). 1854. 2 reales red, block of twenty stamps (large margins, except for two stamps, and intense color). GRILLA postmark (perfectly and aesthetically stamped). MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE, IT IS PROBABLY THE LARGEST BLOCK KNOWN, AND WITHOUT A DOUBT THE MOST ATTRACTIVE KNOWN. Cert. COMEX.
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Starting price: 1.400€
Price realised: 1.400€

254 | Spain

26(2). 1854. 5 green reales , in pairs. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2020: 265 Euros
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Starting price: 50€
Not available

255 | Spain

27M. 1854. 6 reales blue (horizontal ink line). SAMPLE. MAGNIFICENT AND SPECTACULAR PRESENCE. Edifil 2020: 600 Euros
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Starting price: 75€
Price realised: 80€

256 | Spain

★★ 28/31. 1854. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT.
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Starting price: 35€
Price realised: 35€

257 | Spain

(★) 32. 1854. 2 green cuartos . MAGNIFICENT. Cert. COMEX.
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Price: 850€

258 | Spain

32. 1854. 2 green cuartos . MAGNIFICENT. Cert. EMF.
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Price: 225€

259 | Spain

★ 33A. 1854. 4 cuartos carmine. THICK BLUE PAPER. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. Cert. EMF.
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Starting price: 325€
Price realised: 420€

260 | Spain

33. 1854. 4 cuartos carmine. Directed to PAMPLONA. Coming from France, the FRANCE brand and portage "2 R" (reales) are applied when passing through the Irún border, where the stamp for internal portage is applied to the back with the date 1-NOV-54, FIRST DAY OF CIRCULATION. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE, ESPECIALLY OVERWRAPPED FROM FRANCE, PROBABLY THE ONLY KNOWN. Cert. THANKS.
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Starting price: 325€
Price realised: 550€

261 | Spain

(★) 34. 1854. 1 real blue (usual conservation). MAGNIFICENT. Cert. EMF.
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Starting price: 800€
Price realised: 800€

262 | Spain

34. 1854. 1 real blue. MAGNIFICENT.
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Starting price: 80€
Price realised: 80€

263 | Spain. Sperati

34AF. 1854. 1 real blue BLUE PAPER. FALSE SPERATI (Type B), on the back mark of the BPA MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Starting price: 45€
Price realised: 55€

264 | Spain

★★ 35/38. 1855. Complete series (unusual with such huge margins). MAGNIFICENT.
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Starting price: 20€
Price realised: 20€

265 | Spain

★★ 35/38(4). 1855. Complete series, in a block of four. MAGNIFICENT.
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Starting price: 45€
Price realised: 45€

266 | Spain

(★) 39. 1855. 2 cuartos green (full margins). MAGNIFICENT AND RARE STAMP IN NEW. Cert. THANKS.
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Starting price: 450€
Price realised: 450€

267 | Spain

★ 40. 1855. 4 cuartos carmine. Very intense colour. MAGNIFICENT. Cert. COMEX.
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Price: 140€

268 | Spain

(★) 41. 1851. 1 real blue. MAGNIFICENT. Cert. EMF.
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Starting price: 375€
Price realised: 400€

269 | Spain

★ 41. 1855. 1 real blue (usual conservation). MAGNIFICENT. Cert. EMF.
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Price: 325€

270 | Spain

41. 1857. 1 real greenish-blue. BARCELONA to SANTIAGO DE CUBA. On the front freight ½ (real), corresponding to the payment of excess freight of the captain of the ship. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE, NO MORE THAN FIVE KNOWN CARDS WITH THIS STAMPED COVER.
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Starting price: 175€
Price realised: 200€

271 | Spain

★ 42. 1855. 2 reales violet. Intense color. MAGNIFICENT. Cert. THANKS.
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Starting price: 375€
Price realised: 375€

272 | Spain

★/(★) 43/46. 1855. Complete series (huge margins and intense colors). MAGNIFICENT. Cert. GRAUS (2 reales). (neither the 2 cuartos nor the 1 real have a certificate, they are sold as is and without guarantee, the lamp shows some small stain, the series presents a spectacular presence)
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Price: 675€

273 | Spain

(★) 46. 1855. 2 violet reales (just upper left margin). MAGNIFICENT.
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Starting price: 60€
Price realised: 60€

274 | Spain

★/(★) 47/50. 1855. Complete series (the 2 cuartos fair margins and the 4 cuartos correspond to the current type 48A). MAGNIFICENT.
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Starting price: 75€
Price realised: 75€

275 | Spain

(★) 47. 1855. 2 green cuartos . Good margins and intense color. MAGNIFICENT. Cert. THANKS.
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Price: 325€

276 | Spain

47. 1856. 2 green cuartos . Very vivid color and huge margins. MAGNIFICENT.
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Starting price: 30€
Price realised: 30€

277 | Spain

48A(94). 1855. 4 red cuartos , block of ninety-four stamps. Disabled by pen. MAGNIFICENT.
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Starting price: 25€
Price realised: 55€

278 | Spain

★★ 48B. 1855. 4 cuartos red, leaf edge (Type III). MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Starting price: 90€
Price realised: 170€

279 | Spain

(★) 48P(100). 1856. 4 red cuartos , full panel of one hundred stamps. COLOR PROOF, in double printing unused in pen by the Real Stamp Factory (it bears its countermark). MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Starting price: 120€
Price realised: 380€

280 | Spain

48. 1856. 4 red cuartos . PERFECT 9½ (zig-zag), from Valencia and without perforations on the lower and right margins (since it is positioned in the lower right corner of the sheet). MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Starting price: 75€
Price realised: 110€

281 | Spain

48. 1859. 4 cuartos red. BALEARIC ISLANDS (data not confirmed) to MADRID. On the back is the brand MESSAGERIES IMPERIALES / AGENCE D'ALICANTE, this company with a branch in Alicante cut the transit between the Balearic Islands and Madrid in two or three days, the mail was redirected privately to Alicante from Mallorca and there they deposited it in the street vendor. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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Price: 75€

282 | Spain

48. 1858. 4 cuartos red. FOLLOW MADRID. On the front baeza SIGÃœENZA / SORIA, in writing ink. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE LATE USE OF THE BAEZA TYPE DATE.
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Starting price: 75€
Price realised: 75€

283 | Spain

48(4). 1859. 4 red cuartos , strip of four. GIBRALTAR to CADIZ. Postmark R.CARRETA Nº63 and on the front date SAN ROQUE / CADIZ and handwritten annotation "Por Estafeta". MAGNIFICENT AND RARE FOUR POSTAGE POSTAGE FROM GIBRALTAR.
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Price: 325€

284 | Spain

48(20). 1858. 4 red cuartos , twenty stamps. ZARAGOZA Judicial Escrow to SOS, erosions that affect an important part of the document. Postmark R. CARRETA Nº15. PRETTY.
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Starting price: 75€
Price realised: 75€

285 | Spain

48(9). 1858. 4 red cuartos , nine stamps. OVIEDO to POLA DE LENA. Cancellation PARRILLA, in blue. MAGNIFICENT AND SPECTACULAR POSTAGE.
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Starting price: 175€
Price realised: 220€

286 | Spain

48(22). 1858. 4 red cuartos , twenty-two stamps. INCA Judicial Escrow to PALMA DE MALLORCA. YNCA / MALLORCA postmark. GORGEOUS AND VERY RARE WITH THIS SPECTACULAR POSTAGE.
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Starting price: 240€
Price realised: 440€

287 | Spain

48. 1855. 4 cuartos red. VILLASARRACINO (PALENCIA) to ORTIGOSA DE CAMEROS (LOGROÑO). OSORNO / PALENCIA postmark (Type I), in blue in transit. MAGNIFICENT.
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Starting price: 50€
Price realised: 50€

288 | Spain

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Price: 120€

289 | Spain

★/ 48F(2). 1856. 4 cuartos red FALSE POSTCARD TYPE IV, in new and used. MAGNIFICENT.
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Starting price: 25€
Price realised: 40€

290 | Spain

★★ 49, 50. 1855. 1 real blue and 2 reales purple. MAGNIFICENT.
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Starting price: 40€
Not available

291 | Spain

49. 1859. 1 real blue. CADIZ to HAVANA. Postmark R.CARRETA Nº3 and on the front handwritten annotation "Vapor Correo Europa". MAGNIFICENT.
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Starting price: 75€
Price realised: 120€

292 | Spain

49(2). (1858ca). Two letters originating in LUGO and circulated with the blue real 1, addressed to a soldier from the Spain Regiment assigned as Corporal in Santiago de Cuba (1858) and later as 2nd Sergeant in Bayamo (1860), both with inside text and PARRILLA postmark and R.CART Nº34. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE SET.
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Starting price: 150€
Price realised: 150€

293 | Spain

50. 1857. 2 violet reales . LA CORUÑA to HAVANA. On the front handwritten annotation "For Cádiz". PRETTY AND UNUSUAL DOUBLE POSTAGE POSTAGE.
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Starting price: 90€
Price realised: 260€

294 | Spain

(1856ca). ½ real blue-green from Antilles. Directed to CADIZ. GRILL postmark. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE USE OF A STAMP OF COLONIES IN SPAIN.
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Starting price: 75€
Price realised: 75€

295 | Spain

NE1M. 1855. 12 orange cuartos NOT ISSUED. SAMPLE. MAGNIFICENT.
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Starting price: 35€
Price realised: 35€

296 | Spain

51/56. 1860. Complete series. Vivid colors and large margins. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 375€

297 | Spain

(★) 51. 1860. 2 cuartos green (extreme clarity outside the drawing of the stamp). Huge margins. MAGNIFICENT.
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Starting price: 90€
Price realised: 90€

298 | Spain

★★ 52. 1860. 4 orange cuartos , leaf edge. LUXURY PIECE.
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Price: 75€

299 | Spain

★ 52. 1860. 4 cuartos yellow. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 35€

300 | Spain

52. 1861. 4 cuartos yellow. CASTURE to BARCELONA. Postmark CASTUERA / BADAJOZ, on the front pre-philatelic mark CABª DEL BUEY / ESTREMADURA / BAXA. MAGNIFICENT.
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Price: 30€