Online Stamp Auction Spain and Colonies #106
Tuesday, 30 May 2023 | Madrid, 16:00 CEST
601 | Spain
★ 232/35(4). 1897. Complete series, block of four (clear spot on a stamp of no importance). PRETTY AND EXTRAORDINARY RARE IN BLOCK. Cert. THANKS. Edifil 2020: +2,805 Euros
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602 | Spain
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603 | Spain
★1897. Complete series, twenty values (from 30 cts to 10 pts), in blocks of four (two stamps of 1 pts, pen strokes of no importance). MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. (Germany 52/71)
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604 | Spain
★/(★)1897. Complete series, in the absence of 90 cts. BEAUTIFUL AND RARE. (Germany 52/71)
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605 | Spain
(★) 236/39. 1898. Complete series. Excellent centers. MAGNIFICENT.
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606 | Spain
★/(★) 236/39. 1898. Complete series, twenty-seven values (including ordinary mail stamps). MAGNIFICENT AND RARE COMPLETE. (Germany 21/47)
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607 | Spain
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608 | Spain
★/(★)1898. Complete series, twenty-three values (between 30 cts and 40 pts), in pairs. WITHOUT DENTARTING. MAGNIFICENT AND EXTRAORDINARY RARE. (Germany 25/47s)
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609 | Spain
1897. Set of sixteen stamps and a letter of the issues of numbers of 1897 and 1898 (War Tax) disabled with mail-type postmarks, some very unusual. TO EXAMINE.
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610 | Spain
★/(1897ca). Interesting set of stamps and blocks in new and used from the 1897 and 1898 number issues, includes a complete block series of four from 1898 (black), a 15 cts stamp from 1898 with the paper bellows variety, some SPECIAL postmarks and numerous fiscal use values between 30 cts and 40 pts. TO EXAMINE.
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611 | Spain
★★/★1898. Set of black 10 cts, 15 cts, 20 cts, 30 cts and 40 cts blocks from the 1898 cipher issue with annotations on the top sheet edge "Samples of War Recharge Stamps 1898-99" and "Approved this sample", all except one of 10 cts with the mark STATE INTERVENTION IN THE LEASE OF TOBACCO, in blue. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE SET, ESPECIALLY WITH A BLOCK OF SIX OF 15 CTS.
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612 | Spain
★★/★ 240(4). 1898. 5 black cts, block of four. Excellent centering. MAGNIFICENT.
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613 | Spain
(★) 240s(4). 1898. 5 black cts, block of four. WITHOUT DENTARTING. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. Edifil 2023: +284 Euros
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614 | Spain
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615 | Spain
★/ 240. 1898. Interesting set of 5 cts from the War Tax issue of 1898-99, new and used, including imperforate stamps (some on green paper) and special postmarks, some on fragments. TO EXAMINE.
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616 | Spain
★/(★) 241/55s. 1901. Complete series, fourteen values (usual conservation). WITHOUT DENTARTING. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE. Cert. COMEX. Edifil 2023: 2,313 Euros
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617 | Spain
★★ 241. 1901. Chestnut 2 cts. Exceptional color and centering. MAGNIFICENT.
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618 | Spain
★ 242. 1901. 5 cts green (invisible mark of fixing stamps, only and very difficult to detect with incident light). Exceptional color and centering. LUXURY PIECE.
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619 | Spain
★ 243. 1901. 10 cts red. MAGNIFICENT.
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620 | Spain
★★ 244. 1901. 15 cts blackish blue (without numbering). Exceptional color and centering. MAGNIFICENT.
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621 | Spain
★★ 245. 1901. 15 cts lilac. Well focused. MAGNIFICENT.
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622 | Spain
★★ 246. 1901. 15 violet cts. Exceptional centering and color. LUXURY PIECE.
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623 | Spain
★★ 247. 1901. 20 cts black, leaf edge (minimal rust spots). Exceptional color and centering. MAGNIFICENT.
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624 | Spain
★ 249. 1901. 30 cts green. Well focused. MAGNIFICENT.
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625 | Spain
★ 250. 1901. 40 cts olive. Very well centered and intense color. MAGNIFICENT.
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626 | Spain
★ 251. 1901. 40 cts rose. Very well centered and intense color. LUXURY PIECE.
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627 | Spain
★★ 253. 1901. 1 pts carmine. Very well centered and intense color. MAGNIFICENT.
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628 | Spain
★ 254. 1901. 4 purple pts (vertical fold). No.000000. PRETTY.
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629 | Spain
★ 255. 1901. 10 pts orange. Acceptable centering. MAGNIFICENT.
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630 | Spain
★★ 257/66. . Complete series. Very well centered. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE IN THIS QUALITY. Cert. EMF.
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631 | Spain
★★ 258/59(2), 261(2), 263(2). 1905. 10 cts red, 15 cts violet, 30 cts green blue and 50 cts blue gray, pairs with INTERPANEL. Well focused. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2023: +700 Euros
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632 | Spain
★★ 272N. 1909. 20 cts bronze green (exceptional centering). NºA000000. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2020: +++175 Euros
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633 | Spain
★★ FR11/18. 1916. Complete series. WITHOUT DENTARTING. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2023: 82 Euros
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634 | Spain
★★ 289/90. 1920. Complete series (2 cts dots of rust and 20 cts, in our opinion, non-original rubber). MAGNIFICENT.
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635 | Spain
★ 291H. 1920. 1 cts green. MAGNIFICENT CUP. Edifil 2020: 58 Euros
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636 | Spain
★★ 292/96. 1920. Complete series. Very well centered. MAGNIFICENT.
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637 | Spain
★★ 292/96s. 1920. Complete series, four values (usual conservation). WITHOUT DENTARTING. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2023: 880 Euros
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638 | Spain
★★ 297/09. 1920. Complete series. Very well centered. MAGNIFICENT. Cert. EMF. Edifil 2023: 1,350 Euros
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639 | Spain
★/(★) 310/23s. 1922. Complete series, thirteen values. WITHOUT DENTARTING. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2023: 1,887 Euros
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640 | Spain
(★) 310P(3). 1922. Set of three COLOR ESSAYS of 2 cts green in chestnut-black, violet and blue colors (usual conservation). MAGNIFICENT AND RARE SET. (Galvez 2100, 2101, 2102)
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641 | Spain
(★) 315P(3). 1922. Set of three COLOR ESSAYS (imperfect) of 15 cts and 20 cts from Vaquer (usual conservation), in different colors. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE. (Galvez, 2090, 2091, 2094)
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642 | Spain
★★ NE23. 1922. 25 cts blue (Type I). NOT ISSUED. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2020: 400 Euros
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643 | Spain
★★ NE23. 1922. 25 cts blue (Type II) (usual conservation). NOT ISSUED. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2020: 200 Euros
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644 | Spain
310, 311, 314/15, 316, 319. 1925. Various values of Vaquer, 1 green cts and 30 green cts (Medallion). Cover from Hugo Stinnes Linien (letterhead on back) from CADIZ to BERLIN. BEAUTIFUL AND UNUSUAL POSTAGE OF DIFFERENT ISSUES.
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645 | Spain
322(2). 1930. 4 pts violet carmine, couple. Cover of the American Philatelist AC Roessler by Graf Zeppelin from BARCELONA to RIO DE JANEIRO (BRAZIL). On the front it marks PRIMER VIAJE / GRAF ZEPPELIN / TO SOUTH AMERICA / SEVILLA 1930, in carmine and on the back arrival. MAGNIFICENT.
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646 | Spain
321, 322(2), 296. 1930. 1 slate pts, 4 violet carmine pts, two seals and 1 carmine pts. Illustrated Postcard of the Graf Zeppelin from SEVILLE to NEW YORK (USA). On the front unusual linear marking "GRAF ZEPPELIN" EUROPE-PAN AMERICA ROUND FLIGHT, in purple and arrival in green at Lakehurst. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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647 | Spain
322(2), 323. 1930. 4 pts violet carmine, two seals, 10 pts chestnut and 1 pts carmine, two seals. Graf Zeppelin from SEVILLE to CLEVELAND (USA). On the front mark PRIMER VIAJE / GRAF ZEPPELIN / TO SOUTH AMERICA / SEVILLA 1930, in red and Zeppelin mark in green, applied in Lakehurst. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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648 | Spain
★ 325/38, 339/48. 1926. Two complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2023: 290 Euros
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649 | Spain
★★ 325/38. 1926. Complete series. Nice centering. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2023: 320 Euros
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650 | Spain
★ 325/38. 1928. Complete series. MAGNIFICENT. Edifil 2023: 160 Euros
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