Online Stamp Auction Spain and Colonies #104
Thursday, 13 April 2023 | Madrid, 16:00 CEST
1001 | Revenue Stamps
(★)/1900. Complete series, sixteen values. TURN. PRETTY.
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1002 | Revenue Stamps
(★)1905. Complete GIRO series, in the absence of 10 cts on documents with No. A0.000.000, SAMPLE inscription of "Promissory note, class,..." and handwritten "This sample is approved". MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE SET, PROBABLY UNIQUE. (Germany 34/48)
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1003 | Revenue Stamps
★/(1874ca). Interesting set-study of GIRO Taxes with WAR TAX surcharge, new and used with different types and colors, includes blocks of various sizes and a Bank of Spain letter of 900,000 Pts with a 20 Escudos money stamp. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE SET. Ex-Bustamante.
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1004 | Revenue Stamps
★★/★1893. Complete series BILLS OF TRADE, fourteen values, block of four. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE IN BLOCK. (Germany 1/14)
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1005 | Revenue Stamps
(★)1898. 25 cts blue BUSINESS EFFECTS. Document with Nº0.000.000 and handwritten annotation "This sample is approved". MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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1006 | Revenue Stamps
★★1905. Complete series BUSINESS PAPERS, sixteen values, blocks of four. IMPROPER and NºA000.000. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. (Germany 33/48s)
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1007 | Revenue Stamps
★★1906. Complete series of BUSINESS PAPERS, sixteen values. NºA000.000. MAGNIFICENT. (Germany 65/80)
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1008 | Revenue Stamps
★★1919. Complete series BILLS OF TRADE, eleven values, blocks of four. NºA000.000. MAGNIFICENT. (Germany 81/91)
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1009 | Revenue Stamps
★★/★1896. Complete series FOREIGN DEBT, eight values (some habitual conservation stamp). PRETTY. (Germany 1/8)
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1010 | Revenue Stamps
★★/★1898. Complete series FOREIGN DEBT, eight values, strip of six, edge of sheet. Unused in pen from the SAMPLE sheet. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. (Germany 17/24)
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1011 | Revenue Stamps
★1898. 47 black mils OVERSEAS DEBT, block of thirty stamps, sheet header (reinforced with fixing). Handwritten notation "Sales Tax Samples", numbering 0,000,000 and correction "peso" for "pesetas". SAMPLE overhead, diagonally. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. (Germany 25)
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1012 | Revenue Stamps
★★/★1898. Complete series OVERSEAS DEBT, in the absence of 47 black mils, in blocks of four. SAMPLE overhead, in purple. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. (Germany 26/32)
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1013 | Revenue Stamps
(1875ca). Interesting set of stamps and documents from STOCK MARKET POLICIES between 1875 and 1920, most of the documents are from Cash Operations and one from Loan Policy. TO EXAMINE.
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1014 | Revenue Stamps
(★)1880. 2'50 pts green BAG POLICIES on document with Nº0.000.000. and on the back handwritten annotations "Sample of Stock Market Policies" and "The General Directorate of Stagnant Revenues approves this sample". MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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1015 | Revenue Stamps
★★/★1901. Complete series STOCK POLICIES, nineteen values, blocks of four. NºA000.000. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. (Germany 21/39)
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1016 | Revenue Stamps
(★)1890. Set of eleven complete documents (three matrices) of PAYMENTS TO THE STATE of the values of 25 cts, 50 cts, 1 pts, 2 pts, 5 pts, 10 pts, 15 pts, 25 pts, 50 pts, 75 pts and 100 pts. Nº0,000,000 and handwritten annotations "Samples of the State Payments paper for the Peninsula in 1890" and "The General Directorate of Taxes approves this sample". MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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1017 | Revenue Stamps
(★)1877. Set of ten complete documents (three matrices) of PAYMENTS TO THE STATE of the values of 25 cts (badly cut, without importance), 50 cts, 1 pts, 2 pts, 2.50 pts, 5 pts, 12.50 pts, 25 pts, 125 pts and 250 pts. Nº00.00 and handwritten annotations "Sample of State Payments stubs for the Peninsula in 1877" and "The General Directorate of Stagnant Revenues approves this sample" and official stamps. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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1018 | Revenue Stamps
(★)1878. Set of ten complete documents (three matrices) of PAYMENTS TO THE STATE of the values of 25 cts (badly cut, without importance), 50 cts, 1 pts, 2 pts, 2.50 pts, 5 pts, 12.50 pts, 25 pts, 125 pts and 250 pts. Nº0,000,000 and handwritten annotation "Sample of the Paper of Payments to the State...1878". MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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1019 | Revenue Stamps
(★)1887. Set of ten complete documents (three matrices) of PAYMENTS TO THE STATE of the values of 25 cts, 50 cts, 1 pts, 2 pts, 5 pts, 10 pts, 15 pts, 25 pts, 50 pts and 75 pts. No. 0,000,000 and handwritten annotations "Sample of Payment Paper to the Peninsula State 1887" and "The General Directorate of Stagnant Revenues approves this Sample." MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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1020 | Revenue Stamps
(★)1897. Set of eleven complete documents (three matrices) of PAYMENTS TO THE STATE of the values of 25 cts, 50 cts, 1 pts, 2 pts, 5 pts, 10 pts, 15 pts, 25 pts, 50 pts, 75 pts and 100 pts. Nº0,000,000 and handwritten annotations "Samples of Payments Pla. 1897" and "This Sample is approved". MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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1021 | Revenue Stamps
★/(★)1862. Complete series, nine values (100 reales in a block of four). POLICIES. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. (Germany 25/33)
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1022 | Revenue Stamps
1862. 60 reales carmine. POLICIES. Horizontal ink stripe (as all known). MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE. (Germany E-1)
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1023 | Revenue Stamps
(★)1863. Complete series, nine values. POLICIES. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. (Germany 34/42)
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1024 | Revenue Stamps
(★)1864. Complete series, nine values (includes paper variants of the 8 reales and 60 reales). POLICIES. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. (Germany 43/51)
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1025 | Revenue Stamps
(★)1865. Complete series, nine values. POLICIES. PRETTY. (Germany 52/60)
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1026 | Revenue Stamps
(★)1866. Complete series, nine values. POLICIES. PRETTY. (Germany 61/69)
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1027 | Revenue Stamps
(★)1867. Complete series. POLICIES. PRETTY. (Germany 70/78)
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1028 | Revenue Stamps
★/(★)1868. Complete series, nine values. POLICIES. BEAUTIFUL AND RARE. (Germany 79/87)
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1029 | Revenue Stamps
★/(★)1870. Complete series, nine values. POLICIES. MAGNIFICENT. (Germany 97/05)
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1030 | Revenue Stamps
★/(★)1871. Complete series, eleven values. POLICIES. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. (Germany 106/16)
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1031 | Revenue Stamps
(★)1872. Four center COLOR PROOFS, in black, blue, carmine, and violet from the 1872 issue. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. (Germany P1/3)
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1032 | Revenue Stamps
★/(★)1872. Complete series, eleven values. POLICIES. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. (Germany 117/27)
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1033 | Revenue Stamps
(★)1872. 50 cts black DOUBLE PRINT, pair. POLICIES. PRETTY. (Germany 117)
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1034 | Revenue Stamps
★/(★)1873. Complete series, eleven values (some habitual conservation value). POLICIES. BEAUTIFUL AND RARE. (Germany 128/38)
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1035 | Revenue Stamps
★1874. Complete series, eleven values. POLICIES. MAGNIFICENT. (Germany 139/49)
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1036 | Revenue Stamps
(★)/1874. Interesting set of fifteen stamps (including two of 15 pts and one of 50 pts) with WAR TAX surcharges, in different colors and shapes. POLICIES. MAGNIFICENT. (Germany 150, 151, 153/57, 159)
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1037 | Revenue Stamps
★/(★)1875. Complete series, eleven values. POLICIES. MAGNIFICENT. (Germany 161/71)
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1038 | Revenue Stamps
(★)1875. Complete series POLICIES, eleven values. COLOR PROOFS, on cardboard. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE. (Germany 161/71)
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1039 | Revenue Stamps
★/(★)1876. Complete series, eleven values. POLICIES. MAGNIFICENT. (Germany 172/82)
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1040 | Revenue Stamps
(★)1876. 50 cents green. COLOR TEST. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE.
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1041 | Revenue Stamps
★/(★)1877. Complete series, eleven values. POLICIES. MAGNIFICENT. (Germany 183/93)
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1042 | Revenue Stamps
(★)1877. Three double documents in Folio Minor with watermarks or watermarks 11, 12 and 13 with handwritten annotations "Sample of the Large Transparent Mark Nº... for the 11th seal of the Peninsula in 1877" and "The General Directorate of Stagnant Revenues approves this Sample" with official seals. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE.
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1043 | Revenue Stamps
★/(★)1878. Complete series, eleven values (37.50 fold pts, without any importance). POLICIES. PRETTY. (Germany 195/05)
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1044 | Revenue Stamps
★/(★)1879. Complete series, eleven values (some habitual conservation value). BEAUTIFUL AND RARE.
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1045 | Revenue Stamps
★/(★)1880. Complete series, eleven values (usual conservation). POLICIES. PRETTY. (Germany 217/27)
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1046 | Revenue Stamps
★/(★)1881. Complete series, eleven values. POLICIES. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. (Germany 228/38)
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1047 | Revenue Stamps
★1882. Complete series, in the absence of the 50 black cts. POLICIES. WAR TAX. MAGNIFICENT AND VERY RARE. (Germany 240/43)
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1048 | Revenue Stamps
★/(★)1882. Complete series, twelve values. POLICIES. MAGNIFICENT. (Germany 244/55)
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1049 | Revenue Stamps
★1883. Complete series, twelve values. POLICIES. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. (Germany 256/67)
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1050 | Revenue Stamps
★/(★)1884. Complete series, twelve values. POLICIES. MAGNIFICENT AND RARE. (Germany 268/79)
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