602 | Egypt

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English ★★/★(1866ca). Spectacular collection of Egypt between 1866 and 2000, in new and used, the classic part with some used stamps and from 1920 in new with and without fixed stamps, highlighting complete series of 1914, 1920, 1922 (surcharged), 1923, 50 pi of 1926, 1927 King Fouad series, 1934 UPU complete series, all Airmail series (except 1953 20m) up to 1953, block sheets, some imperforate (includes 1956 2nd Pan Arab Jamborce block sheet notched and not toothed), etc (some little stain of time). VERY HIGH CATALOG VALUE. ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE.

International Auction #102 #102

Monday, 27 February 2023 | 15:00

Lot 602

Starting price 750€